Sydney is blessed with a fine harbour. Prior to the advent of container ships, it was very much a working harbour, freight and passengers delivered into the heart of the city. Many Sydneysiders are transported to work each day by ferry, arriving at Circular Quay with a short walk, light or heavy rail connection to their place of work. Thousands of migrants arrived from (mainly) Europe at the Overseas Passenger Terminal, which is on the western flank of the Quay. These days, it is the cruise ships that use the terminal, almost daily from October to May each year (pandemics not withstanding, of course!). They tend to dwarf the ferries and historic buildings.
Small boys, and many not so young, enjoy the spectacle of these floating apartment blocks manoeuvring, or being manoeuvred by tugs, avoiding collision with the harbour traffic.
….. or maybe just relax on the grass and enjoy the view!